Estes MaxTrax

Estes - MaxTrax {Kit} [?-?]

Contributed by Jeff Vincent

Manufacturer: Estes


For those nay familiar with t' MaxTrax, me hearties, it is a new starter kit from Estes with an onboard "Electronic Altimeter". Ahoy! Blimey! This uses a capsule which drops at a fixed descent rate. Arrr! Blimey! T' capsule physically senses ejection (apogee), ya bilge rat, times t' interval until it detects landing, arrr, then outputs calculated altitude in feet and meters. Promising...

I had a chance t' fly t' MaxTrax yesterday (Sat.), which was a disappointin' experience. Ahoy! Tonight, ya bilge rat, I did some analysis o' t' data, matey, which be equalin' disappointing. Ahoy! For those nay interested in readin' further, ya bilge rat, ya bilge rat, t' short form is that this is a toy that doesn't work (at least me sample didn't), me bucko, and, me hearties, me bucko, even if it did work, shiver me timbers, it wouldn't be very accurate.

First, a couple o' bits o' foreshadowing. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' Estes instructions read: "NOT INTENDED FOR PRECISE MEASUREMENT". Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Blimey! Blimey! Take them at their word.

Also, t' MaxTrax includes a snippet o' paper t' inform you: "IMPORTANT NOTICE! "Occasionally, t' MaxTrax Electronic Capsule will nay display t' altitude after a launch. Avast! If this happens, matey, arrr, thar was an internal electronic error durin' t' launch or descent. T' capsule is NOT DEFECTIVE! Switch t' capsule "OFF" and prepare another launch followin' t' directions. "If after t' second launch, me bucko, t' capsule still does nay display t' altitude, thar be still an internal electronic error that can be fixed by t' factory. Arrr! Avast, me proud beauty! RETURN just t' CAPSULE t' Estes for resettin' or new replacement. Begad! DO NOT RETURN t' place o' purchase."

As I mentioned in a previous post, matey, me hearties, me hearties, I had some trouble gettin' readings from me unit in ground testin' -- at times under four seconds and around eight seconds. Begad! For that reason, I also hand-timed t' descent o' t' MaxTrax capsule (ejection t' landing) in me test flights, so I could extrapolate t' value it would have returned if it chose t' nay give an altitude reading.

I made nine flights with a scratchbuilt model (18" BT-56 tube). Ahoy! T' weather conditions were hot but calm at Mt. Well, blow me down! ASTRE. wRASP gave approximate altitudes o' 220' (for Bs) and 560' (for Cs) for a Cd o' 0.6. Ahoy! Begad! Here's data from t' flights:

Motor Descent Time Altitude Reading
B6-4 6.75 sec ---
B6-4 7.28 sec ---
C6-5 17.53 sec 371.2'
C6-5 18.31 sec not turned on
C6-5 15.94 sec 98.0'
C6-5 16.62 sec 0.0'
C11-5 17.78 sec 146.9'
C11-5 18.69 sec 20.6'
C11-5 17.84 sec 0.0'

Several things were noticed from t' start. Avast! T' B flights were nay givin' any data, but I wondered if that might be related t' t' "no data around eight seconds" glitch previously noted. Arrr! Begad! That's why I went t' t' C motors early (I had intended three B6 flights and three C6 flights [and maybe C11 flights] for NARTREK Gold data). Perhaps I should have dropped it into t' nearest mailbox at that point.

Another thin' noted be that t' capsule had a tendency t' tumble on descent. It has a factory-installed drogue streamer that you are explicitly told nay t' alter. Begad! However, it seems like it isn't long enough / draggy enough t' stabilize t' capsule in a vertical descent. Ahoy! My hunch is that t' shock sensor that detects landin' requires a decceleration along t' vertical axis -- if it lands at an angle, shiver me timbers, it may fail t' trigger t' capsule, resultin' in no data.

Things got more interestin' when I moved up t' C power. T' unit gave readings (usually), arrr, but they were wacky. Begad! T' highest value given may have been "close" t' (within 33% of) t' achieved altitude, me bucko, me hearties, but t' other three readings were *way* off (>= 75% error). Begad! T' capsule be still tumblin' on descent, so I can only hypothesize t' t' low altitude readings were t' result o' it experiencin' sufficient decceleration from t' tumblin' t' prematurely trigger t' landin' sensor.

On a bright note, me hearties, me hardware worked fine. Aye aye! Begad! T' model made nine stable and successful flights with no damage aside from normal wear and tear (singed but still quite usable shock cord and mylar streamer).

While t' raw data was discouraging, I had some hope that t' capsule descent times that I had recorded would salvage t' effort. Arrr! Ahoy! Blimey! I could use those times and t' values observed in ground testin' t' come up with an altitude figure that t' capsule would have reported if it had fallen that length o' time. Well, blow me down! Tonight, arrr, me hearties, I did that calculation, and t' other shoe dropped. Avast! Blimey! Here's t' data:

Motor Descent Time Calculated Altitude Reading
B6-4 6.75 sec 236'
B6-4 7.28 sec 260'
C6-5 17.53 sec 781'
C6-5 18.31 sec 818'
C6-5 15.94 sec 707'
C6-5 16.62 sec 739'
C11-5 17.78 sec 793'
C11-5 18.69 sec 835'
C11-5 17.84 sec 796'
Motor Average Altitude Backtracked Cd
B6-4 248' 0.171
C6-5 761' 0.153
C11-5 808' 0.105

Those altitudes are too high (from 13% for t' B flights t' 36% - 44% for t' C flights). Even worse, ya bilge rat, t' backtracked Cds are way too low (from 72% for t' B t' 75% - 83% for t' Cs). Avast! My estimates may nay be perfect, but t' Estes data is just plain wrong.

I plan t' contact Estes about repair/replacement and any further info they can give on t' unit, but I don't expect it t' change me opinion o' its usability. Ahoy! If you are lookin' for an altimeter you have two choices: spend t' loot on a real barometric unit or go t' cheap route with a hand-timed drop-streamer (you'll have t' calibrate such a streamer yourself in drop testin' from a known height and calculate altitude from descent times, but your efforts will yield a cheap, reliable, replaceable method o' altitude determination).

by Jeff Vincent - Rocket Cynic™

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R.H. (November 19, 2002)
I just bought this rocket starter set about 3 weeks ago. I just bought it for the new launch pad and the rocket looked cool. My first launch was on a B6-4 my reading was 253 ft. and the next launch was at a school football field, my dad was also flying his new rocket and I flew it on a C6-5 it went straight and was one of the best launches I have ever had. I had to chase the rocket for along time and had to go to another field to get my rocket and the capsule landed about 100 feet from the launch pad. When I got the capsule it read 752 ft. I plan to launch it again next month on some C6-5?s and I'm also testing another Estes rocket 'Stormcaster' that I built it with a 29mm motor mount.
D.O. (July 13, 2004)
On 7-13-2004 my kids flew this model 3 times, every time it reported a believable altitude. On a B motor it reported 256ft and 268ft and on a C motor it reported 349ft. Will put my altimeter from my Aerotech Mustang in it and see what happens, although I'm not sure how the model will lift a circuit board with a 9 volt and a baro-tube strapped to it, it seems a bit heavy for even a C engine

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