Estes Big Bertha

Estes - Big Bertha {Kit} (1948, 23, 7007)

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar_border
Diameter: 1.64 inches
Length: 24.00 inches
Manufacturer: Estes
Skill Level: 1
Style: Sport
Rocket Pic

Everybody's favorite prom date, arrr, shiver me timbers, t' Estes Big Bertha, is a rocket that seems to wind up in every fleet at one time or another. Arrr! Ya scallywag! While thar are a lot o' other rockets in her size range that equal her low, slow, and always stable flights, there's somethin' t' be said for buildin' and flyin' t' original. Avast! Blimey! Bertha's gettin' a little long in t' tooth these days and in need o' an update, arrr, but it's nothin' that a quick shot o' Keelhaul®©™ couldn't fix.

T' kit contains:

  • BT-60 main body tube
  • BT-20B engine tube
  • PNC-60L nose cone
  • 2 RA-2060 centerin' rings
  • engine hook
  • elastic shock cord
  • balsa fin stock
  • 18" parachute

T' Bertha instructions remain t' standard by which other skill level one kits are written. Begad! (I'd prefer that t' part numbers were still included as a part o' t' exploded view, matey, but that's a personal nit that I felt t' need to pick.) T' Bertha has no "gotchas" and be t' perfect starter rocket for those with a taste for small field flying. Blimey! I attached t' engine mount with Elmer's Wood Glue and for t' first time in a long time, arrr, glued in a stock Estes shock cord with a tri-fold paper mount. Arrr! Normally I would use about six feet o' combined Keelhaul®©™® and sewin' elastic, but I wanted this comparison t' be about stock models built the way t' instructions said. Begad! So for t' sake o' t' comparison, I went retro.

My fin attachment method did have a nod t' t' new millennium. Avast! Blimey! I tacked the fins in place usin' LocTite Gel CA, then filleted them in place with two heavy lines o' wood glue per joint.

Although t' Big Bertha paint scheme I modeled be t' 1969 catalog version, the finishin' remained t' same. Avast! Before anythin' be done I coated t' spirals with thinned Elmer's Fill 'n' Finish, me bucko, then sanded t' whole thin' smooth. The fins, which were shaped as was directed in t' instructions, were then given two coats o' t' same Fill 'n' Finish with sandin' betwixt each coat. Begad! Blimey! Blimey! The rocket was given a base coat o' white, then masked t' allow t' 1969 catalog scheme t' come t' life in black and red paint. I used Valspar paints throughout the project with t' final touch bein' an Estes logo decal that JimZ sent me with an order back in 2001. Why go t' this much trouble? Because t' current Bertha paint and decal scheme is DULL! Blimey! If ever thar was a rocket ripe for updating, t' Big Bertha is it.

Construction Rating: 4 out o' 5

While this wasn't me first Big Bertha, I wanted t' fly t' same progression of motors that I flew in t' other three rockets in this comparison: a B4-2, B6-4, and C6-5. Ahoy! All three flights were made on a windy day which I knew from experience would make for some long recovery walks, ya bilge rat, matey, so I started with t' C6-5 flights while me legs were fresh. T' Bertha on t' C6-5 climbed t' a pretty respectable height, then drifted downrange 1/4 o' a mile or so. Ya scallywag! T' stretch of field we flew on that day has exactly one rocket eatin' tree on it, ya bilge rat, arrr, and for a moment it looked as if t' Bertha might land in it, arrr, but a fortuitous gust carried it past t' tree and t' t' left. Begad! Arrr! I was able t' cheat a little and do most o' me walkin' on t' access road, me bucko, which cut down me time betwixt flights and made me legs feel less like lead from stompin' through t' weeds.

T' B6-4, arrr, while noticeably lower than t' C6-5 flight, ya bilge rat, would still allow you decent small field flights with very little fear o' losin' t' rocket t' a tree. Avast! T' Bertha recovered about 100 yards from t' pad and I be back prepping for t' third flight very quickly. Ahoy! Flight #3 was on a B4-2, which was suggested to me as a way t' get a good liftoff picture. I still managed t' get t' rocket smokin' on t' rod, ya bilge rat, but t' flight was interestin' in that it took a moment for the rocket t' find it's way after clearin' t' rod. Begad! It looked as if it stopped for a moment before kinkin' noticeably t' t' right as t' wind caught t' big fins. Ahoy! Ahoy! Recovery on t' B4-2 flight be just past t' pad, me bucko, but windcockin' was pretty severe. Ya scallywag! (Not always a bad thing.)

Recovery was handled by t' stock 18" Estes chute, ya bilge rat, heavily reefed t' cut down on t' aforementioned recovery walk. That didn't matter though. I walked myself t' death anyway. This hobby needs caddies.

Flight Rating: 4 out o' 5

PROs: Classic styling, variety o' catalog paint schemes t' choose from, ya bilge rat, and foolproof design and instructions.

CONs: Not enough shock cord! And would it kill Estes t' come into the 21st century and start includin' Keelhaul®©™® as part o' t' recovery system?

Overall Rating: 4 out o' 5

Other Reviews
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K.R.J. (November 1, 2000)
The Big Bertha was the first "big" rocket I ever built. I got one when I was 12 and in the hospital. The nurses all thought I was crazy for building a model rocket in a hospital bed, but it went together well. ( I didn't paint it there, though!) Years later, after moving to Europe, my friend Ernst bought me one for Christmas. He couldn't believe that I had one as a kid! This is absolutely the best kit Estes (or Robbe GmbH) ever put out. Period. [As far as the review] Exactly the same experiences. Had to chase mine a half mile once because of the large parachute.
J.W.P. (January 1, 2001)
Big Bertha is the favorite in our fleet. We have never had a bad launch. Specifically, the large tube size let the chute pack loosely and it opens well. Also, this model tends to weathercock. This means it tends to angle into the wind on its own. The harder it blows the more it flies into the wind and is more likely to land back in the launch field.
D.T.H. (January 1, 2001)
This kit is quick and easy to assemble. I have been flying my kit for about 6 years. It takes a lot of abuse and keeps on flying. A great first kit for kids. I always take it with me to fly.
P.D.M. (May 1, 2001)
This is a great, classic rocket with good size (for an Estes kit). I built it with a 24mm (D&E-size)engine mount and I added epoxied BBs in the nose to offset the additional weight. I also replaced the cheap Estes chute with a Rogue 18" nylon chute with a spill hole cut out. I then painted mine a combination of black and turquoise to set it apart from the rest of my rockets. I first launched it with a D12 and it flew great! Straight and high. Then I tried an Aerotech E15 and it was spectacular! My last flight of the day was with another E15 and another great flight, but the winds took it almost out of sight and an hours search was fruitless... it was gone. A great kit and I highly recommend the 24mm engine mount, but get ready to get on your horse for recovery.
D.P. (July 1, 2001)
My Big Bertha has flown 32 times on everything from an A8-3(low flight)to a D21-4T(great flight) as of 6/27. It now has very thick epoxy fillets on the fins because of them coming off and gluing them back on. I switched out the 18" chute after 28 flights because of excessive drift for a 14" one. The review was right on. The reviewer did not think the drift was bad, but it became a problem for me. Otherwise, I would rate the Big Bertha at a 4.5 out of 5.
D.H. (October 2, 2001)
I've had my Big Bertha for just under a year now and have launched it probably twenty times. Visually, I don't find it all that impressive, but it sure is reliable. In fact, just the other day, I had to launch it with no recovery system at all. I had forgotten that I removed the parachute, but it flew great. Four great flights and only one tiny tear in the body tube.(fixed on site of course!). I always launch the Bertha first on launch day, to test the winds, because I know I will get it back. Long Live Bertha!
M.B.H (October 11, 2001)
The Big Bertha is probably my favorite rocket. It's robust, reliable, and has great flights. I launched it one day four times, compared to one or two for my Rattle-7. I flew it on an A8-3, for a low, short flight, B4, B6, and a C6 drag race with another Bertha on an Aerotech RMS D. A sweet rocket that I personally do not think I could ever do without again, now to get a couple more to add to my inventory...
M.C.L (December 26, 2001)
I flew a 1969 model that was the original and had been stored in a box in a garage for 30 years. It has the balsa nose cone and fins. The things to look out for when building this model are the fins. If you use balsa (I recommend retrofitting the newer Estes model with balsa fins), glue them on with Epoxy. I also used epoxy on the motor mount and the shock cord mount. It ended up as an all-epoxy model. The added weight did not affect the C.G appreciably. I added a heavy duty snap swivel and 1/4" elastic shock cord from a fabric store. I sealed the nose cone and fins with Elmers fill-n-finish and sanded each with 400-grit for a perfect finish. I finished mine with OSH spray paint in purple, red and yellow. I made a custom decal (since the original model had no decals, unlike today) for mine. I did the design in color using Adobe Photoshop. I then printed that at Kinko's on their color laser printer but I had them print it on what they called "sticky back" which is a clear, adhesive-backed film. I cut out the design (leaving a 1/8" margin) and stuck that to my model. Final cost? About 2 bucks. Looks awesome. The model is then clear-coated for a mirror finish. I modified this big Bertha with a homemade 24" ripstop nylon X-form parachute. It is heavier than the Estes plastic one that comes with the model but it is built like a tank (to match the rocket). Estes hit a home run with this model. It has flown countless times and has never given a bad performance. It flies straight and true and recovers perfectly each time. I fly it on C6-5's due to the extra weight and it performs flawlessly. This is a great model for an intermediate beginner and will never cease to impress your friends. I recommend not using the black paint job and, instead, coming up with your own design for this odd-looking bird. The crowds love it and it will fly and fly again.
B.A. (March 24, 2002)
I luv my Big Bertha. The only troubles I've had is that after about 10 flights the engine mount began to come loose. I think I'll use it as an experiment platform. I love how it goes up nice and straight and has a graceful landing.
J.R. (July 30, 2002)
My only quam with building this rocket came from the motor mounts and the shock cord system. For the motor mount before it's installed make eight small balsa triangles (gussets) with the scrap balsa that is leftover from the fins. Make them small enough so you can glue them every 90 degrees around the forward mount (these would be in the aft position) and the rear motor mount (these would be placed forward of the aft rings). Also replace the shock cord with a Kevlar® cord that could wrap around engine and threaded through the forward ring then attach sewing elastic (found in fabric stores) just after the Kevlar® cord exits the body tube. I used Fill n Sand for sealing the fins and used a wet finger to make real smooth fillets which I then sanded with 220 then 400 grit for a nice finish. Primer, sand ,primer, sand (600grit) tack cloth then paint two coats of color followed by three coats of clear...AWESOME!
D.W. (April 5, 2003)
You just need to look at the amount of entries in the flight logs for this rocket, and count the number of times words like 'perfect' and 'great' are used to show what a class rocket the Big Bertha is. Its not the highest flyer; but the slow, realistic take off, and the lovely slow arcs to apogee makes up for that!

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