| 2011 Onboard Videos (2012-02-15)      Shorter rock & roll version of my onboard videos launched betweeen July 2011 and New Years 2012 - Music by David Bowie (Starman)
 | Aerotech Arcas Launch (2011-05-29)      First Midpower rocket I launched. Used a G64-7W, and the rocket roared off the pad. Great flight. Event happened right at apogee, and it landed between two huge puddles in a field. No damage...but it landed about a half-mile away so it was a good walk to recover. This is the first weekend of the year that MARS (Monroe Astronautical Rocket Society) in Rochester NY had a mass launch. Had a waiver to 9000 feet, but with the cloud cover, most people kept the flights under 2000.
 | Aerotech Mustang with a Cesaroni G54 (2011-11-19)      |
 | Crash of the Arcas HV (2012-01-05)      Onboard video of my rocket that failed to deploy the chute, and came in ballistic. It flew on an Aerotech G138 Blue Thunder engine
 | Level 2 Certification Launch (2011-05-29)      A high school senior project. The rocket is 6" in diameter and about 12' long or so. It ended up near the SUNY Geneseo campus, and at last report, they were still trying to recover the nose cone which was designed to separate.
 | Level One Certification Flight (2011-07-13)      Successful launch and recovery. Dennis has already passed his level 2 exam, so I imagine that the level 2 flight will happen soon.
 | MARS 10-8-11 Launch ... Humans and their Rockets (2011-12-07)      Last Launch of 2011 for our club. It was on a bright and sunny day, and the wind was almost completely calm. Resulted in several high altitude flights. Here is a compilation, set to DEVO's "Human Rocket" from the Something for Everybody Album.
 | MARS Memorial Day Weekend 2011 Rocket Launch (2011-06-03)      A collection of flights set to music.
 | NY Power Blue V2 Onboard Video (2011-07-29)      LOC Canadian Arrow (lengthened V2) powered by a Cesaroni H-223 Redline with an 8-second delay. The rocket suffered minor damage on a launch two days earlier which warped the boat tail and the fin next to the warp was twisted a little. The result was a very rapid spin on ascent. So this video will make you a little dizzy
 | NYPower 16 (2011-08-08)      A weekend full of rocket launches at NYPower 16, held July 22-24, 2011. Music is from Trans Siberian Orchestra - Beethoven's Last Night - A Last Illusion
 | NYPower 16 - Arcas HV Onboard Rocket Launch (2011-07-29)      Aerotech Arcas HV on an Aerotech G-64-7W. Launch went very well, but the landing...not so much. Landed on top of a motor home. Fortunately no damage to either.
 | NYPower Aerotech Mustang Launch (2011-07-29)      A small Aerotech Mustang fitted with a Cesaroni H-87 engine with a 9-sec. delay. Estimated altitude according to Thrustcurve.org is 3051 feet although it may have gone a little higher because the rocket weighs about 2 oz. less than manufacturer specs since I did not add in the engine retaining hardware (which enables me to fly with longer 29mm engines). Top speed is estimated to be about 550 MPH, You can see a cloud below as it nears apogee, the "dog barf" fly by as the rocket ejects the chute, and in the descent you can see briefly see another rocket being launched. You can also see the vintage WWII aircraft on the ground at the Geneseo Historic Aircraft Museum.
 | Onboard Videos of Mid and High Power Rocket Launches (2012-02-07)      Cast of: an Estes D-Squared, an Aerotech Mustang, an Aerotech HV Arcas, and a LOC Canadian Arrow flying on E through I engines made by Estes, Aerotech, and Cesaroni. Rockets and Beethoven. A great mix
 | Overpowered Aerotech Mustang with a Cesaroni H-163 White Lightning (2011-09-16)      |