Edmonds Aerospace Deltie Thunder

Edmonds Aerospace - Deltie Thunder {Kit}

Contributed by Ted H. Apke

Manufacturer: Edmonds Aerospace
(by Ted H. Apke) 

Well I was really hopin' that me package from Edmonds would arrive in time for this weekends METRA launch. Blimey! I was grumpin' about it on Saturday when me youngest son asked me what this box be sittin' in t' garage. I have no idea when it arrived or how it got thar but it isn't t' first time I've found mail sittin' in some peculiar place! 

Spouses <and> children make life so interesting! 

So here I was on Saturday at about 1:00pm with t' launch scheduled for Sunday. What t' heck. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I cleared off t' workbench, got out t' CA and accelerator and got t' work. As others have said, shiver me timbers, t' instructions were straight forward and t' work progressed very fast. Arrr! Blimey! Arrr! Blimey! I took a few extra minutes to round off t' edges o' t' vertical stabs, but nay t' wings. Arrr! Blimey! Ya scallywag! Blimey! T' only problem I had was that t' launch lug packed in with t' chute was crushed. Aye aye! Blimey! I decided that a 1/4" lug wouldn't be a bad thin' t' have for when I decided to crank up t' power and didn't miss a beat with assembly. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Blimey! By 2:30 I was out in t' yard doin' some test glides. Well, blow me down! Blimey! Ahoy! Blimey! I didn't get too satisfactory o' a glide in the yard but I was pushin' t' limits o' me property and I narrowly missed hitting 
a fence. Aye aye! I decided t' just give it a test fly. [Picture]

Sunday turned out beautiful. Begad! 65 degrees. Avast, me proud beauty! Winds o' maybe 5mph with the occasional thermal. Blimey! While I had done t' power mod that t' instructions call for I still decided t' start with a D12-3. Begad! Begad! I used one o' t' high power pads (longer rod) and placed some tape on it t' hold t' booster up high enough to fit t' glider on. Begad! Aye aye! I took a spare rod and pushed it in t' ground t' keep the glider from flappin' in t' slight breeze. Pretty straight forward if you've flown a boost glider before. Ahoy! I had plenty o' time left t' help t' other high-power folks get their rockets ready. 

My turn finally came and off she went. T' boost be a little off vertical but nothin' too scary. Aye aye! Blimey! Well, blow me down! Blimey! Separation came right at, or a little before, arrr, apogee. Begad! Blimey! It separated very clean and immediately entered into a nice glide. Lots of cheerin' from t' crowd! Blimey! T' glider then did what none o' mine has ever done before. Blimey! Blimey! It flew straight! Blimey! Don't worry, I got it back. Ahoy! Blimey! It did worry me for a minute, shiver me timbers, however it flew right over t' crowd. Really looked pretty. Proceeded down t' hill, arrr, lengthenin' t' flight, matey, and landed easily in t' weeds. 

I be anxious t' fly again but I spent most o' t' day helpin' out at the launch site and helpin' me son fly. Aye aye! I'm really lookin' forward t' more launches in t' future. 
I got t' chance t' fly me Deltie Thunder again this past weekend at RATS IV. I made up a pad similar t' what Rob shows in t' instructions and this made setup pretty simple. 

Flight 1: Couldn't get a single use E18 with a short delay so went with a E11-4J in me 24mm reload case. Aye aye! T' flight weathercocked t' horizontal at about 75 t' 100' which is when t' motor burned out and t' glider separated. Aye aye! Had that glider on nice and loose! T' glide was great. Aye aye! Got many a compliment. Hopefully a few will contact Rob. Begad! I used t' full ejection charge and ended up blowin' t' chute apart. I suppose it could have been due t' t' higher speed at deployment due t' t' weathercock, but it wasn't goin' all that fast. Aye aye! The booster still recovered fine. 

Flight 2: Bought a E18 reload and flew it on Sunday. Avast! Blimey! Blimey! T' boost was much better but things went down hill from there. Avast! I had replaced t' chute with a nylon one and cut t' ejection charge in half. Begad! Oh my. Avast! Arrr! Blimey! T' ejection seemed a bit late, with t' rocket past apogee. Arrr! Avast, shiver me timbers, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' nose pulled out but didn't deploy the chute. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! T' glider did it's best t' pull t' booster out but it augured in. Ya scallywag! Blimey! This resulted in some serious damage t' t' forward half o' t' booster which can easily be replaced. Avast! T' glider suffered a split boom which can easily be CA'd. People still thought it looked cool! 

Relinquished by Scott Johnson @[Picture]

(by T' Silent Observer) 

How's this for a start: I ordered on t' last day o' t' Frenzy -- then go t' envelope back, returned for postage, so Rob didn't get me order until around t' 5th o' October. Blimey! I got t' Deltie Thunder kit in t' mail Wednesday (they tried t' deliver on Monday, shiver me timbers, me bucko, but I'd already left for work). 

So far, matey, I've opened t' box -- this thin' is>immense<! T' booster pod is about 2 feet o' 24mm ID tube with an elliptical cone; t' glider has enough balsa in it t' make a whole>fleet< o' Vaughn Brothers Buzzards. Begad! It looks like it lives up t' Rob's claim o' bein' able t' build it in a single morning, but I'm goin' t' spend a little more time on it than that; I can't stand the thought o' launchin' anythin' with square leadin' edges, arrr, arrr, and I prefer t' fill and sand, at least cursorily, me hearties, and paint as well. Well, ya bilge rat, blow me down! I'll probably dig through the basement and find some Monokote left over from when I built R/C airplanes, and use that for color trim on t' glider. 

I noticed that thar's no motor hook; I plan t' add one, shiver me timbers, matey, and may also install a thrust block t' keep t' hook from tearin' forward in t' tube; it'll make prep and motor removal easier than t' thrust-rin' and friction method recommended in t' instructions. Arrr! T' shock cord for t' pod is actually about long enough; it's as long as t' pod tube, if nay a little longer, and sturdy material (1/4" wide, arrr, me hearties, I think). 

I already have two packs o' D12-3 motors -- and I should be able t' have this ready t' fly, arrr, shiver me timbers, me bucko, barrin' lack o' paintin' weather, arrr, before t' December launch at Monroe, matey, ya bilge rat, WA. 

Relinquished by Scott Johnson @[Picture]

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H.W.H (March 11, 2006)
The balsa in the kit is light weight (very soft) Where the wing joins the fuselage of the glider at the front is a weak spot. Broke on my first test glide. Reinforced with 1/2" carbon fiber tape from Hobby Lobby Intl. Broke again on another test flight. Added more carbon fiber and CA glue. Had to use all the clay in the kit plus a little more for good test flight. First flight with D12-3 was good boost, but then glided a little nose down. Fuselage broke again at front of wing joiner! Took away some clay! Wing has round burn through on front left hand side about the size of a quarter!
D.S. (August 21, 2009)
If you managed to beef it up a bit and reinforce the boom, I think it'd be an awesome flier on an F12 or F32. It'd need a lot of space, though.

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