CRMRC: Aerotech Arreaux September 17th 2011 (2011-09-18)Aerotech Arreaux with an E30-4T engine taken from onboard video. Clip1 is full, clip2 is half and clip 3 is 1/4. Taken on September 17th at the CRMRC launch in St. Albans. [View]
Bomarc (2016-11-07)MadCow Bomarc about to go up on an Aerotech E30-7 motor [View]
Estes Ventris on an Aerotech E30-4T (2016-08-28)Launch of my Estes Ventris on a single-use Aerotech E30-4T. This is an excellent low-end motor for this rocket. Plenty of kick off the pad with a very loud quick burn. Altitude for this flight was ... [View]
Same saucer goes up with an E30 this time! (2007-06-17)3, 2, 1........ ;) [View]