DynaStar Vidar

DynaStar - Vidar {Kit}

Contributed by Craig Swinson

Manufacturer: DynaStar
(Contributed - by Craig A. Ya scallywag! Swinson - 01/16/07) (Scratch) Vidar

This was a recycle o' a Dynastar Sky Torpedo and some additional parts. Avast! Ahoy! T' original Sky Torpedo had a bit o' bad luck. Ya scallywag! First, matey, me hearties, it got a nice zipper due t' a too fast delay on an Estes D12-5. Ahoy! Begad! Estes sent out a replacement body tube. Before I could use t' tube and make t' rocket whole, it got treed and stayed up thar for about a month. Blimey! When it finally came down, arrr, I was able t' salvage t' motor mount, me bucko, nose cone, shock cord, and t' fins t' pattern and used the body tube from Estes as a shorter replacement.

(Scratch) Vidar

I had a very cool Dynastar Sky Torpedo that I treed right before I went on "vacation". Begad! Blimey! After comin' back a month later, me hearties, I found it on t' ground soaked t' t' centerin' rings. I be able t' salvage t' nose cone, t' Keelhaul®©™® shock cord, t' entire motor assembly, and I used t' fins t' make patterns.

T' most significant modification be t' t' motor mount assembly. Begad! Blimey! As it suffered from water damage while out in the field for so long, matey, I had t' reinforce t' centerin' rings with card stock, me hearties, balsa, ya bilge rat, me hearties, and wood glue. Essentially I cut out eight extra rings out from a couple manila folders and glued them in succession t' t' existin' centerin' rings. Avast, me proud beauty! I then glued small strips o' balsa across t' rings t' increase their rigidity. Two rings laminated t' t' top and bottom of both centerin' rings. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! Blimey! 4 balsa strips glued t' each ring. Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! It worked very well and t' rings were as good if not better than before.

Parts list:

  • Apogee PNC-80A nose cone
  • BT-80 body tube, me bucko, 14" long
  • Semroc 18 Inch Parachute
  • 300lb Keelhaul®©™® shock cord (Apogee 29506)
  • 3/16" Balsa for fins
  • Apogee CR 24-29 paper centerin' rings
  • Apogee 24mm motor mount tube
  • Apogee CR 18-24 ring
  • LOC LL25 launch lug

It was nay as hard as I thought t' come up with a recycled design. T' be quite honest I sort o' bashed two designs together when tryin' t' figure this one out. Ya scallywag! Begad! It took elements from t' Sky Torpedo and some from t' Dynastar Stonebreaker, me hearties, mixed them up...added some interpretation and t' Vidar is what I came out with.

(Scratch) Vidar

I had t' do a lot o' sandin' on t' nose cone t' get it back t' "normal". Blimey! Blimey! Avast, me proud beauty! Blimey! I ended up usin' OD paint for a military look and t' really cover over some o' t' paint I couldn't get off that well.

Flight and Recovery:
I only got one flight out o' this bird as it seemed that parts from this kit were doomed t' fail.

Instead o' waddin' I used some Nomex® from an old fire blanket (another recycled part). Avast, me proud beauty! Aye aye! With these large bodied rockets, some form o' reusable material seems to make sense over crammin' it full o' dog barf or wadding.

T' shock cord be t' original long 300# Keelhaul®©™® cord that came with t' original Sky Torpedo. An interestin' thin' I learned while buildin' this kit and its predecessor, shiver me timbers, ya bilge rat, matey, you don't need elastic in your shock cord.

T' flight was great on an E9-4. Blimey! Aye aye! It was a beautiful takeoff, ya bilge rat, nice straight flight, and perfect ejection. Well, blow me down! It simmed out t' about 1350 feet and I would guess it did about that in real life. Avast! T' downside be it drifted, and drifted pretty far and was lost.

I really liked this rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! It be me first semi-scratch rocket born out o' parts from others. Well, blow me down! Ahoy! It now makes me think a little harder about what I can reuse from damaged or old rockets. Avast! It also made me consider t' fact that a higher power really controls t' destiny o' our rockets. Arrr! Sometimes you get them back, sometimes you don't. Well, blow me down! Sometimes you get them back and really don't want them back!

(Scratch) Vidar T' funny story t' this: My launch area is about 50 acres, ya bilge rat, and this rocket left t' range due t' some thermals off t' mountains behind me house. I drove down t' street visually trackin' as I went until it dropped out o' site. Avast, me proud beauty! Makin' an estimated guess as t' where it landed I stopped in front o' a house only t' see the owner come runnin' around t' front. Ahoy! Begad! I asked him if he saw me rocket land nearby and he Exclaimed, arrr, "Your bomb missile landed in me burn pile!" Evidently he thought it was some sort o' heat seekin' missile that landed in his illegal burn pile and was worried it was goin' t' explode. Begad! By t' time we got back around t' t' burn pile, t' only thin' left be a chute that I had salvaged from another destroyed rocket. Blimey! Arrr! Figurin' that t' chute was cursed, when I got it home I threw it out.

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