LDRS 28 - Neil Brown - DINOSAURS ROCK-et EXTREME 218 lbs on the pad Motors used - All LOKI White - Central N4500 (16000 ns) and 3 outboard L1400's (2400 ns ea.) 8 ft drogue 14 ft parachute on Nosecone and attahced 4 ft ariframe 24 ft main parachute PERFECT FLIGHT ALTIMETER READING - 8480 FT.
Neil Browns POLECAT AEROSPACE (What's Up Hobbies) GREEN GOBLIN I built this to be a low flyier using only a 54mm motor and a parachute at apogee. This film is of the GREEN GOBLIN going up on a LOKI K830 Spitfire at the METRA launch filed in Pine Island NY on July 18, 2009.