Scratch StarFinder Original Design / Scratch Built

Scratch - StarFinder {Scratch}

Contributed by Dan Bihary

Manufacturer: Scratch
Style: Futuristic/Exotic



Assembly Description

Body Tube LOC/Precision BT-2.56
Nose Cone LOC/Precision PNC-2.56
Motor tube LOC/Precision MMT 1.14
Coupler Material LOC/Precision TC-2.56
Fin Material 3/16" Aircraft Plywood
Fin Structure Plastruct 3/16"x 1/2" Truss
Landin' Pegs 1/8" Brass Tubing
Fasteners (6) Wood Insert Nut and Socket Head Screws

See rocket dimensions and stations here

Modular Motor Mount Retention Unit Construction
T' concept o' t' unit is t' provide a means t' be able t' maintain t' parts o' a rocket that are most likely t' fail. T' solution provided allows for t' removal, ya bilge rat, me hearties, inspection, and replacement o' t' engine mount, shiver me timbers, retention system, matey, and recovery system.

Begin by sandin' down t' centerin' rings t' fit into t' coupler tubing. Avast! Well, blow me down! Blimey! After dividin' markin' t' Motor Tube into thirds, shiver me timbers, me hearties, mark it 3/4" and 4 3/4" from t' bottom. Ya scallywag! Blimey! Use epoxy t' secure t' centerin' rings at these locations. Avast! Blimey! Mill three blocks from pine t' fit betwixt t' centerin' rings and t' depth betwixt t' coupler tube and motor tube. Ya scallywag! Avast! Blimey! T' width o' t' blocks should be 1/2". Arrr! Blimey! Sand or carve away some o' t' center section o' t' contact point t' t' motor tube. This will eliminate any rockin' that mayPic
occur while your securin' these down. Begad! Begad! Over t' centerin' third marks, attach these blocks usin' a liberal amount o' epoxy. Begad! Create fillets along all joints inside t' unit.

Next, slide t' Coupler Tube over t' assembly flush with t' centerin' rings, epoxy and let dry.

Transfer t' third points from t' motor tube onto t' coupler tube. Ya scallywag! Avast! Divide t' length o' t' coupler tube in half. Arrr! T' intersectin' points are where you will drill t' mount t' brass inserts. Blimey! Be sure t' select an appropriate size bit for drillin' t' holes for t' inserts. Begad! Begad! Too small a hole may result in splittin' t' blocks, too large may lessen integrity. Blimey! I prefer to
use brad point bits for this task. Begad! Usin' an awl, shiver me timbers, arrr, indent t' coupler at t' three locations. Aye aye! Also, indent t' Aft Centerin' Rin' in t' center o' t' three blocks. Ahoy! Ahoy! With care, shiver me timbers, me hearties, me bucko, drill t' six holes bein' aware o' t' depth t' t' motor tube. Ya scallywag! Well, blow me down! Be sure nay t' penetrate it! Finally, matey, screw in t' insert beneath t' surface o' t' Tube Coupler.

T' final step in assembly is t' attach a length o' strappin' t' t' exterior o' t' Motor Tube. I completely saturated 4" o' 3/4" strappin' with epoxy and temporarily rubber banded it while t' epoxy cure.


Body Tube Construction
Spirals were filled with Elmers wood filler. Avast! T' coupler and t' nosecone were then screwed t' t' lower tube.

Fin Construction
After cuttin' t' fins out, matey, a 1/8"x 1 1/4" notch was removed for t' attachment o' t' landin' peg. Epoxy be used t' attach t' peg. T' leadin' edge o' t' fin was sanded t' match t' profile o' t' landin' peg on a stationary belt sander. Begad! T' assembly was then coated with wood filler and made ready for primer. Avast! Ya scallywag! Cut t' truss piece so that it fits against t' landin' peg. After t' epoxy has dried, trim t' opposite end even with t' edge o' t' fin. Blimey! T' fin be then surface mounted on t' body tube with t' bottom o' t' truss even with t' bottom o' t' tube. Avast, matey, me proud beauty! Fillets were added t' strengthen t' assembly.

Launch Lug / Rail Guide Construction
Takin' advantage o' t' screwed construction, t' launch lugs be made removable. T' lugs were epoxied t' a metal strip with a 90 degree bend in t' last 1/8". This technique will also allow for t' exchange t' rail guides.

T' entire rocket was primed white and painted aluminum.

Fin Detail

Launch Lug detail

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