| 99k launch (2011-06-19)      slo-mo of 99-k project full-up stack launch
 | apt tres (2011-06-19)      Alan Thym's Fliskits Tres
 | CIMG3517c.AVI (2011-06-19)      Red spray paint in slow motion! The fins of the rocket are getting painted, and then watch the movie to see the solvent flashing out of the paint. Actually, this movie really shows why professional painters recommend starting the paint spray off the work piece, then moving on, and then past, and the turning off. The reason is, you can see when my arm stops to move the other way, too much paint is applied at the "stop" spot. Much better to have many light, consistent coats, than blotches and runs. That's the long way of saying, look at my crummy technique.
 | CIMG3529c.AVI (2011-06-19)      Big Dumb Rocket Squared launch, Snow Ranch, March 5 2011. Look for the chuff at about 11 seconds, the blow-out at about 14 seconds. K550s are a beautiful motor. Thx Aaron for the expert video handling.
 | D16 Red Rocket - Slow Motion (2011-12-04)      d16 red rocket jps da 2011
 | e15-cato.mpeg4 (2011-07-13)      CATO of a 20+ year old E15-8, in slow-motion, at dusk. 3 of the 4 motors we had died like this; one worked perfectly and the rocket went really high, higher than with an E9.
 | i211 (2011-11-24)      |
 | LUNAR Rocket Club Launch at Ames for MoonFest 2009 (2011-06-19)      LUNAR Rocket Club Launch at Ames for MoonFest 2009
 | lunar-ames-09jan17 (2011-08-31)      a collection of 210-frames-per-second slow motion rocket launches from the over 250 flights at Ames by LUNAR, Saturday, January 17, 2009.
 | NSL 2011 (2011-06-19)      Slow Motion Rocket Launches at NAR National Sport Launch, Lucerne Dry Lake, CA, June 2011. Including Mad Max on J800, WAC Corporal on M1939, Saturn V goes Unstable, a sparky motor, a Nike Smoke, and ... Architecture can fly!
 | paulp six 2stagers (2011-06-19)      Paul Pittenger launched 6 two-stage rockets - Moffett Field, Saturday June 20, 2009. This was 2nd rack of rockets for the day.
 | rack rocket static (2011-06-19)      static test of a 4-stage rack rocket. in this video, the rocket is upside down, so it won't fly away. you can see the zero-delay motors staging; the consumed motors are supposed to blast clear of the rack, but it doesn't always happen that way! when rack rockets work, though, they work really well.
 | snow ranch 03142009 0002 (2011-06-19)      LUNAR launch at Snow Ranch, March 14, 2009. Gene's L3 launch in 420 fps. Three drag races in 210 fps.
 | snow-ranch-2010-04-03.wmv (2011-06-19)      Compilation of 210 frames-per-second videos from LUNAR Snow Ranch launch, April 3, 2010. From Chili-Eatin' Charlie to a whole bunch of HPR, check out the TARC fwd closure issue at the end.
 | snow-ranch-20110206.wmv (2011-06-19)      novice videographer, slow-motion clips from LUNAR launch at Snow Ranch, Feb 05 2011.
 | srk-squat.wmv (2011-06-19)      Steve Kendall's Squat on I117FJ - wipe out!