Cherokee N onboard HD video

Video 565 of 1017
Published:2010-04-26 05:01:51

Inagural flight o' upscale Cherokee-D called t' first N motor...fourth Level 3 flight. Ya scallywag! Aerotech N2000W White Lightning. Rainbow Valley Arizona. Ya scallywag! SSS Sprin' Blast 2010 launch. 12ft 5 inches tall...8.75 inches diameter. Three PerfectFlite HiAlt45K altimeters onboard for an average o' 7,382 feet altitude. Ahoy! Twin 24-inch drogues at apogee; TAC9 main chute at 1300 feet. Perfect flight and recovery...some very minor lip damage on t' airframes. Avast, me proud beauty! I built t' rocket from November 2009 t' April 2010. Brad E. painted it...I decaled it with StickerShock23 custom vinyl decals.

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