| I'm Feeling Lucky - Flight 2 (2012-03-15)      On-board "I'm Feeling Lucky" at LUNAR's Snow Ranch launch. This is a custom-built rocket based on Performance "Intimidator-5" fiberglass with TeleMetrum and Featherweight Raven avionics, CD3 deployment, and a 96" Toroidal Fruity Chute, flying on an AeroTech M2100G. Video is from on-board and pad GoPros and a DSLR. This was the second flight for this airframe, following a successful L3 flight at October Skies. This flight carried a pair of Galaxy Nexus phones and a 2-meter ham radio.
 | Level 1 High Power Rocketry Cert Flight (2011-05-29)      On-Board my NAR Level 1 High Power certification flight at the LUNAR Snow Ranch launch on April 2, 2011. This is a custom-built rocket based on Performance "Little Dog" fiberglass with Telemetrum avionics flying on an AeroTech H123. Video is from a GoPro and on-board 808 keychain camera. A 10 second motor ejection was used, but the Telemetrum also fired backup post-apogee deployment charges. A single main chute was used (rather than a dual deployment) to keep things simple. Or so I thought... More photos here: picasaweb.google.com Notes here: intrinsicallyunsafe.blogspot.com Background: "Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service.
 | Level 2 Cert Flight, Thumper, Jr. - Flight 1 (2011-08-07)      Ground video and photos from my NAR Level 2 Certification flight. This is a Polecat Aerospace "Thumper Jr." kit, flying on an AeroTech J350W-M up to 2232 feet AGL. After failing to get Level 2 on my high-tech dual-deploy rocket, I opted for a low, slow, and "dumb" (motor delay) rocket.
 | Little Dog Dual-Deploy Rocket - Flight 2 (2011-08-07)      Ground video and telemetry from my failed NAR Level 2 certification attempt at the NAR National Sport Launch on June 12, 2011. This is a custom-built rocket based on Performance "Little Dog" fiberglass with Telemetrum avionics flying on an AeroTech J350W. Video is from a GoPro. The rocket has an on-board video camera, but it failed to record the flight.
 | On-Board Estes CC Express - Flight 3 (2011-08-07)      Estes CC Express two-stage rocket with an on-board HD keychain camera, flying on an Estes D12-0 to an Estes D12-7. Apogee measured at 1501 ft using an AltimeterOne.
 | On-Board Little Dog (Dual-Deploy) Rocket - Flight 3 (2011-08-07)      On-board my dual-deploy rocket at Tripoli Central California on July 16, 2011. This is a custom-built rocket based on Performance "Little Dog" fiberglass with Telemetrum avionics flying on an AeroTech I245G. Video is from a GoPro and an on-board HD keychain camera. Having gotten L2 certified on a motor-ejected rocket earlier in the day, the goal here was simply to get a proper dual-deploy flight. This was the third flight for this airframe (nicknamed "Angry Plum"), following a failed L2 cert attempt in June. Based on the lessons learned in that flight, I completely rewired the av-bay and used a screw switch to prevent power glitches. I opted for a modest Level 1 motor to keep it well inside visual range.
 | Onboard Estes Monarch Rocket - Flight 5 (2011-06-03)      Estes Monarch rocket flying on an Estes C6-3 at the LUNAR launch at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, on January 22, 2011.