AKA: Delta-IV
Location: Cocoa, matey, FL
Certification Level: L1 NAR
Club Memberships: R.O.C.K.,NEFAR
Favorite Rockets: Delta-IV's
Started in rocketry way back in January 1968 after gettin' me Centuri Javelin as a Christmas present.
I came back t' model rocketry big time in 2005 after gettin' me "Dream job" as a Senior Electrcial Test Engineer workin' on t' real Delta IV rockets here at Cape Canaveral.
I obtained me NARRRRR Level 1 High Power Cert and then started concentratin' on kittin' o' me rockets startin' with medium power. Ahoy! I produced my first lot of kits in t' fall o' 2009 and am startin' t' gear up for full-time production in 2011 with a new set o' smaller low power versions.
Please visit: www.dfrtech.com and www.jonrocket.com
Personal Home Page: http://www.delta-iv-rockets.com
Club Home Page: http://www.r-o-c-k.org