| Airpower (model rockets) (2014-01-17)      H.A.R.T. Hornchurch Airfield Rocket Team (UK) flying model rockets in the late nineties. See an Aerotech E-25 powered supersonic Merlin (converted Zinger) re...
 | Catching a Model Rocket (2011-08-21)      Cameraman - Laurie Calvert - actually catches a Big Bertha rocket whilst filming it.
 | Channel One News - Rockets (2011-06-28)      Hornchurch Airfield Rocket Team (HART) had problems finding a place to fly model rockets in the nineties. How big is your rocket?
 | Clustered Staged Model Rocket (2011-06-03)      LLOL Snr has 4 'D' motors, two staged and two clustered. This means it fires two sets of motors in pairs, which is quite tricky to accomplish. Easier really to have one big motor! But that is the challenge you see. Flown in 1997 by Laurie Calvert.
 | Estes Model Shuttle launch and glide (2011-06-26)      A successful flight of a model rocket. As it seperates after lift-off, the Orbiter section then glides to the ground. After that clip, a launch in which another Shuttle powers into the ground due to wind. Finally a Mercury Atlas launch.
 | Five Stage Model Rocket (2011-05-29)      My own design, notice the wings (all comes back in one piece) of a 5 stage rocket, each stage on a 'D' black powder motor. Filmed in the late nineties. Using quickmatch to ignite each stage. This is the Falcon 4. You can hear each stage fire. The camera zoomed in as it followed it up, so it went very high, higher than it looks. Reached 1 mile in altitude according to Alticalc estimates, and I recovered it ok - Laurie Calvert. Note: I rotate the camera as I film it, so it may give a funny effect but believe me, it was going vertical. Notice too the strengthening struts at the bottom to support the long wings. It had these wings to give stability because I wanted it all back in one piece, not five seperate pieces. But big wings make it prone to wind, so I launched on a non-windy day. I was pleased with this original (to me) design. As the motors seperate, it gives a little kink in the flight. www.calvertfilm.fsnet.co.uk The engines were taped together in line, with about an inch of expendable body tube also holding both motors in position, and painted black. You can see the black line of motors 3 seconds in. The final motor is in the engine mount in the regular position. As each motor burns and sets off the next, it falls away. The nice thing about this design is that I only have one piece of rocket to find. Normally a body stage will fall away with the motor on normal staged rockets. It wasn't built for speed or altitude but rather as an experiment to make all five stages ...
 | Going To Extremes (Model Rockets) (2011-06-22)      Hornchurch Airfied Rocket Team (HART) from the UK, flying rockets. Founders Laurie Calvert, Peter Barrett. Made in July 1998. Shows what fun you can have with model rockets.
 | HART Model Rocket Team (2011-07-02)      In the nineties, this is what we got up to - flying model rockets. Watch the fun and antics.
 | Into the Blue (model rocketry) (2011-07-02)      Model rocket flying with HART club in the UK. Filmed and edited on video in the late nineties. Including X-Wing, Mean Machine, clustered motors, and an RC plane.
 | Into The Blue - Model Rocketry in the 90s (2011-06-19)      Hornchurch Airfield Rocket Team in the 90s in Hornchurch, Essex, UK. This was a fairly typical launch day with an R/C rocket glider, a Tomcat burying itself into the ground, and a Big Bertha being caught by the cameraman (me).
 | LOLL Supersonic Model Rockets (2011-06-28)      Using E-25-7 Aerotech ammonium perchlorate core burning motors, single-use. In a light weight rocket, with plastic wings (ali metal was too heavy) and epoxy joints, the impulse of an E-25 can just break the speed of sound at sea level = 760mph. The rocket makes a slight 'crack' sound, unlike the sound it makes in a heavier machine but it is a subtle difference. We couldn't measure the speed for sure - Estimates were using software (speeds were from 1000 - 1500mph). These were built for speed rather than altitude but they still go high. Details in the video. I also made even smaller rocket using these motors using 18mm diameter tubes. These are 24mm. If you do this play safe. Mind you I'm not sure these motors are made in this spec anymore. This video was made a while ago.
 | Model Rockets with HART (2011-06-26)      Hornchurch Airfield Rocket Team in the 90s. See a rocket chuff off the pad, land in water, underpowered flights and what happens, how trees get in the way, an 8 stager that was too tail heavy, a Phoenix missile blowing up on the pad, and scale models of Anderson machines from Thunderbirds and Capt Scarlet.
 | Rocket CATO (2011-06-28)      Model rocket CATOstrophic launch. The Silver Comet is an Estes Retro kit. Looks wonderful. But not when the motor blows up inside! At least the second flight was ok later on.
 | Rocketeers (2011-05-31)      Model rocketry from HART in the late nineties in Hornchurch in the UK. The club would grow to 226 members at one point, and regularly have 50 people at a meet. We met every weekend too, whatever the weather. All sorts of rockets - models, some HPR, cars, boats, many types here. Enjoy. This was all shot and edited on video. Search HART rockets and Calvertfilm for more info.
 | Rockets (flying models) (2011-06-28)      HART in action with two 5-stagers and a big crash into the ground, plus loads of regular Estes rockets and home-made ones too. Model rocket fun from the late nineties.
 | Scramble! (model rockets) (2011-06-19)      Model rocket flying including supersonics, rocket girls from Poland, model Shuttle crash, rescue from a tree and High Power Rocketry from Marrs club.
 | Star Wars Model rockets (2011-06-28)      X-Wing, Y-wing (scratch), TIE, R2-D2
 | Supersonic Model Rockets (2014-01-18)      Various launches of modified Estes kits by Laurie Calvert. These flew on Aerotech Ammonium Perchloride motors such as an E25-7 for the converted 18mm Zinger ...
 | Thrust (model rockets) (2011-06-19)      HART rocket club formed in the late nineties, flying model rockets. Here you'll see the first run of the Lightstorm rocket car which went on to do well in BBC's Techno Games, a clustered/staged rocket called LOLL Snr, and Skythrust which is a 'G' powered night flight carrying a payload of 10 fireworks to a height of 3000 ft. You will also see a Thunderbird 3 crash.