All Videos by bukowskiredsox

Aerotech Arreaux G64 10 (2012-04-05)
Aerotech Warthog F40 (2012-04-05)
cheetah G77 (2011-06-24)

Aerotech Cheetah with a big engine

H112 Black jack Expediter (2011-11-04)
High powered rocket LOC Expediter I245G (2011-11-04)
High Powered Rocket Minnie Mag x5 (2011-12-31)
High powered rocketAriel.AVI (2011-12-27)

Lvl 1 cert on an I245 Green Mohave...I should have used a "H" to play it safe (as far as getting the rocket back) but this is just not my style. Was a very long walk.....