Brian Hoover's Pages:
2010-12-29Quest Magnum Sport Loader Flight good flight, recovery o' payload was perfect, some fin damage t' sustainer on landing, repairable - 2XB4-4 [More]
Estes Magician Flight great flight significant altitude then caught a thermal and was gone. - E9-4 [More]
Quest Raptor Flight good flight, arrr, main bodytube damage on landing, repairable - C6-5 [More]
Estes Eggscaliber Flight chute didn't open on payload - scrambled!! - D12-3 [More]
Estes SR-71 Blackbird Flight Beautiful flight, engine is perfect for this model. consistently me favorite one t' watch - C6-5 [More]
Estes Bandito Flight - 1/4A3-3 [More]
Estes Firehawk Flight - 1/4A3-3 [More]
2010-12-26Estes Bandito Flight - 1/4A3-3 [More]
Estes Firehawk Flight Angled rod into wind, bad idea - nay enough altitude ejected just prior t' impact - 1/4A3-3 [More]
Edmonds Aerospace Ecee Flight best flight yet, good boost coast too long, glide great with t' wind - 1/2A3-4 [More]
| Brian Hoover |