Flight Log - 2015-11-04 - Bill Eichelberger's MRC - Firefighter
Flight Date: 2015-11-04
Rocket Name: MRC - Firefighter
Kit Name: MRC - Firefighter {Kit} (TR-101) [1987-]
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: A8-3
Expected Altitude: 300 Feet
Launch Site: Fabulous B6-4 Field, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
Actual Altitude: 300 Feet

A second straight flight that overflew the field but for conditions.  If there was any wind blowing, this rocket was gone, but in the calm conditions today it came down in deep center field.  Core sampled on recovery, but mud blew out and rocket wasn't damaged.

1Estes A8-3


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