"BIG RED" Rocket launches Feb 2012

Video 1 of 119
Published:2012-02-06 06:44:40

My 8"x 3.2meter "Big Red" launches on its second flight at t' New Zealand Rocketry Association's (NZRA) National Launch Day in Taupiri. Blimey! (Waikato) Boost was on an Aerotech N2000W motor and was followed by airstartin' Two Aerotech K700W's and finally Airstartin' Two more Aerotech K700W's once those had burned out. Maximum altitude was a shade over 13000 feet and t' high speed at Apogee bumped out t' main at t' top. Begad! However, as luck has it, I wouldnt have got such a great descent video had t' Main waited t' 1500' Rocket be Recovered usin' a beeline GPS.

What You Can Do


Jeffrey Gortatowsky (February 12, 2012)

What a great flight. Beautiful! Smile

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