Big Baby Bertha on Estes D12-5 at LUNAR launch Snow Ranch Mar 3, 2012

Video 1 of 262
Published:2012-03-05 02:07:16

This is me scratch built upscale o' t' Estes Baby Bertha which I call "Big Baby Bertha". Arrr! All did nay go well on this launch. Ahoy! On t' first go round, shiver me timbers, t' igniter shorted out due t' t' traffic on adjacent pads so I had t' reconnect t' leads and wait for t' next launch attempt. Ahoy! Durin' t' boost, arrr, t' chute tangled with rocket resultin' in a bad landin' on top o' car. Fortunately, no damage t' rocket or car. Rocket Science: Makin' everythin' else look simple since 1958.

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