Flight Log - 2012-10-27 - Barry Harmon's IQSY Tomahawk

Aerotech IQSY Tomahawk kit. Built mostly stock - replaced kit shock cord with 5x body length of 750lb. Kevlar cord, used 3 button head screws to attach nose cone to allow upper body to be used as electronics bay.

Flight Date: 2012-10-27
Rocket Name: IQSY Tomahawk
Kit Name: Aerotech - ISQY Tomahawk {Kit} (89014) [1989-]
Flyer's Name: Barry Harmon
Motors: G80-10
Launch Site: MDARS Aerial Acres
Actual Altitude: 3,000 Feet

Maiden flight. Gorgeous FAST launch and ascent, ejection just after apogee. 2+ minutes to descend on stock chute.

1Aerotech G80-10


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