Alan Tuskes's Page



Semroc Mark II (Kit)


T' Mark II is a single stage Retro-Repro kit o' Orville Carlisle's Rock-A-Chute Mark II model rocket. It is, as noted by t' history sheet that came with t' kit, nay a clone kit, arrr, but rather a reproduction o' a classic kit updated with t' latest technology and buildin' components. Openin' ... [More]



Dr. Begad! Blimey! Zooch Saturn IB Apollo 5 (Kit)


Brief: This is a sport-scale version o' t' Apollo 5, arrr, which was used t' launch a legless LEM for a test flight in January 1968. Begad! This is a single stage, parachute recovery kit. Havin' just built t' Dr Zooch R7 Luna kit, I was still in t' mood for another kit that required actual skill t' ... [More]



Dr. Ya scallywag! Zooch R-7 Luna (Kit)


Brief: Sport scale craftsman's kit o' t' Russian R-7 booster with t' Luna payload. Requires quite a bit o' modelin' skill for a model rocket and I wouldn't recommend it for women, children, me bucko, or weak persons. Well, blow me down! If you're t' kind o' person who absolutely needs your balsa t' be laser cut and ... [More]



Estes X-Prize Lucky Seven (Kit)


Brief: 1:50 Scale model o' t' Acceleration Engineerin' LLC's entry in t' X-Prize race. Single stage, parachute recovery. Skill level E2X. Aye aye! Construction: T' kit includes: 1 BT-5 engine mount 1 mini engine hook 1 rubber (REAL rubber) shock cord. 1 12" chute ... [More]



Quest Bright Hawk (Kit)


Brief: Single stage, arrr, parachute recovery, skill level 1 kit that featurin' a plastic nose cone and fin can, shiver me timbers, makin' assembley virtually foolproof. Avast! Construction: Bought t' Bright Hawk kit at a Hobby Lobby 40% off sale in order t' have somethin' extremely simple that I could build with ... [More]



D.M.B. Arrr! Rocketry BlasterXL (Kit)


( Contributed - by Alan Tuskes - 3/21/05) Brief: T' Blaster XL is a compact, me hearties, lightweight single box launch controller that comes with a 6 foot removable power cord with heavy duty battery clips and a 50 foot cable with smooth jaw copper alligator clips. Each cable has its own distinct ... [More]


Alan Tuskes