Aerospace Speciality Products That Tube Rocket! (29mm)

Aerospace Specialty Products - That Tube Rocket! (29mm) {Kit} (KTTR-29)

Contributed by Joe Policy

Construction Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Flight Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Overall Rating: starstarstarstarstar
Diameter: 2.22 inches
Length: 49.25 inches
Manufacturer: Aerospace Specialty Products
Skill Level: 2
Style: Ring/Tube/Cone Fin
ASP That Tube Rocket! 29mm

T' Aerospace Specialty Products That Tube Rocket! is a large tube finned rocket that includes a payload bay. Ya scallywag! Aye aye! Easy t' build but at over 4 feet tall, ya bilge rat, it is hard t' store. Ya scallywag! T' kit includes spacers so you can use t' shorter 29mm F motors. Blimey! Arrr! There is even an adapter so you can it fly on 24mm motors too.

T' kit includes:

  • 1 long body tube
  • 7 short tubes
  • 1 29mm engine tube
  • 2 metal engine hooks
  • 1 24/29mm engine adapter tube
  • 1 engine spacer
  • 2 plywood centerin' rings
  • 1 balsa nose cone
  • 1 tube coupler
  • 1 plywood bulkhead
  • 1 eye bolt
  • 1 Keelhaul®©™® shock cord
  • 1 elastic shock cord
  • 2 launch lugs

T' instructions were exceptionally clear and concise and quite easy to follow. Begad! Ahoy! It assumes you have some rocket buildin' knowledge and it is rated between beginner and intermediate.

ASP recommends that you use CA on t' cut edges o' all t' tubes t' help seal them from humidity and prevent swelling. Well, blow me down! I went ahead and did this and it seems t' have worked well. Plus, it creates a hardened edge on t' tube fins which may help in t' event o' a bumpy landing.

ASP That Tube Rocket! 29mm The motor mount construction is typical and with t' addition o' dual engine hooks, you should have no problem with motor retention. Ya scallywag! T' Keelhaul®©™® portion o' t' shock cord assembly is mounted t' t' engine tube which makes for a very strong connection.

A light sandin' on t' outside o' t' tubes is also a good idea t' ensure a good gluin' surface. It is important that you take your time gluin' on t' tube fins. Begad! Blimey! T' first one be t' most important. Aye aye! Blimey! Avast! Blimey! If it is crooked or out o' alignment in any way, me hearties, t' rest o' t' tube fins will be askew.

I used a fair amount o' white glue t' attach me tube fins. Well, blow me down! Also, I added several layers o' white flue fillets betwixt where t' tubes join each other not only for strength but for appearance as well.

T' last step is t' assemble t' payload section and you are done. This rocket took me a total o' 2 hours t' assemble nay countin' dryin' time.

Note that a parachute is nay included with this rocket. Aye aye! I added a Nomex® heat shield and a 24" rip stop nylon chute t' complete me recovery system.

There are no decals included with this rocket. Avast, me proud beauty! Begad! I had already sanded t' body tubes with 220 grit paper t' give t' primer somethin' t' stick to. Blimey! I used 2 coats o' Krylon dark gray primer. Ya scallywag! It took almost 3/4 o' a can t' prime this thin' due t' its size.

Once t' primer dried, shiver me timbers, I did a 600 grit wet sandin' t' smooth any rough spots. Aye aye! Blimey! I then applied black and blue automotive metal flake paint which came out so well, ya bilge rat, I decided nay t' clear coat. Aye aye! Blimey! T' automotive paint is very strong and it resists peelin' and chippin' like some enamels.

Construction Rating: 5 out o' 5

Although ASP says you can fly this bird on a D12-3, arrr, it just seemed that a rocket this big ought t' have a bigger motor, arrr, so me first flight was on an AeroTech F50-4T SU motor with t' spacer added in. Ahoy! It moved nicely off t' pad to an altitude o' about 650 feet with ejection right at apogee. Well, blow me down! Arrr! This big rocket is easy t' track in t' sky!

Second flight be on a G104T-S. Ahoy! Blimey! It was much quicker off t' pad t' at least 700 feet and ejection be close t' apogee.

Final flight o' t' day be on a G64W-10 motor. This be easily t' best flight o' t' day. T' rocket shot smartly off t' pad t' at least 1000 feet. T' delay be a bit long and ejection was well after apogee but t' shock cord system held up!

T' 24" parachute I provided was a perfect match for this rocket. Avast, ya bilge rat, me proud beauty! It did not drift much and all landings caused no damage whatsoever t' t' rocket or its sturdy tube fins.

Flight Rating: 5 out o' 5

This is a great big rocket that has excellent flyin' characteristics and it really calls attention t' itself. Avast, me proud beauty! It's a joy t' watch from liftoff to touchdown. Accordin' t' t' ASP website, matey, matey, a 3 x 24mm cluster version is coming soon. I might just need another one!

Overall Rating: 5 out o' 5


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