Thrifty Rocketeer Posts
Sport Rocketry / Supplies / Adhesives
"Wood" Glue is Best? (groan) (2019-11-30)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... Our story of the construction of the Cottontail Rabbit "Goonie" (it goes by several different names) will continue in a moment or two. But first, I ... [Read More]
Even MORE on glues Part 2 (2019-12-01)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... Our tail of the construction of the Cottontail Rabbit Goonie (thank you, Peter Alway) continues in one moment... But first, there was a question about ... [Read More]
"Excuse me, May I borrow your butter?" (2019-12-05)The Thrifty Rocketeer continues... We'll return to our construction of the Bunny Rabbit "Goonie" (Thank you,Peter Alway!) in a few moments, I assure you... But first, a ... [Read More]
"You Used Up ALL THE GLUE...." (2021-01-06)The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... No, this isn't another glue war thread. You know how when you mix up 5 or 15 minute epoxy and you're applying it, and you've just about run out, ... [Read More]