4-25-2010 MiniSShot Flight videocam #2

Video 1 of 169
Published:2010-04-27 10:13:32

First Flight o' t' MiniSShot rocket, arrr, part o' t' Sugar Shot t' Space project at 10:00 am on April 25, 2010 at t' FAR site in t' California Mojave Desert. First motor ignition at 2:21 in t' video followed by t' the motor delay at 2:26. At 2:45 in t' video you can hear t' relight o' t' motor smartly followed at 2:46 by t' CATO or break up o' t' Aft motor casin' and subsequient detachment o' t' forward avionics/payload section and nosecone (safely deployed on main for t' recovery). Well, blow me down! Aft end o' motor, nozzle and fin can recovered intact after free fall o' several thousand feet. For complete flight from video cam #1 go to: www.youtube.com For more information go t' sugarshot.org We wish t' thank everyone that helped support t' project. Well, blow me down! I would also like t' personnally thank "Dok" Hanson that made this launch possible, thanks Dok.

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