12" Modular Booster with Legged Lander

Video 12 of 725
Published:2011-11-16 16:07:19

This video was shot and edited by friend and fellow WOOSH member Jackson L. Begad! (Thank you!) T' rocket was me entry into t' Legged Lander Challenge at WOOSH ECOF in 2011, ya bilge rat, t' 12" Modular Booster with t' Vanessa Doofenshmirtz legged lander and her secret payload. (For those nay familiar with t' name, Vanessa is a character on t' Disney cartoon "Phineas and Ferb". Two gifted boys find some massive project t' build each and every day o' summer vacation. Ahoy! Ferb has a crush on Vanessa, and if he were t' build a legged lander for a contest in Wisconsin, he would name it after her.) T' lander is in position, inverted, as t' nose cone atop t' booster, like a giant Estes Venus Probe. Ahoy! At apogee, t' lander is ejected, t' leg downlocks release and t' legs swin' 135° t' their landin' position. Aye aye! T' booster recovers under a 168" Spherachute. T' lander was intended t' recover under a Giant Leap TAC-3C, but it wasn't fully released by t' deployment bag so it had a higher descent rate than desired. T' add insult t' injury, she landed on t' gravel runway - t' closest thin' t' playa we have in Wisconsin. Avast! T' good news is that t' bungees did their job. In addition t' pullin' t' legs down t' extend them, t' bungees stretch back out on ground contact t' allow t' legs t' absorb some landin' shock. T' legs did crack on landing, but t' capsule remained intact, undamaged, and upright. Well, blow me down! T' secret payload finally revealed t' t' judge. Yup, Phineas and Ferb made t' flight.

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